Mistweaver Monk Best In Slot Gear

Mistweaver Monk 8.2 FAQ

Mistweaver Monk PvP Gear In Shadowlands, your endgame gear is going to be obtained by earning weekly rewards. These will be given to you by the Great Vault in exchange for acquiring Honor from Rated PvP. There are also PvP Vendors. What is the BIS Mistweaver Monk gear? With many different sources of gearing and loot scarcity in Shadowlands, targeting your absolute Best in Slot gear isn't entirely realistic; instead, we've created a Best in Slot list from the ideal Mistweaver Monk raid drops found in Shadowlands, from Mythic Dungeons, to help you decide what to prioritize. Stop by, shop, select, and start playing – we make playing with Mistweaver Monk Best In Slot Gear the top Mistweaver Monk Best In Slot Gear bonus codes that simple! No deposit cash bonuses, free spins, or no deposit free spins with time: name it and we have it for you here.

It’s here. 8.2. We endured Uldir, we enjoyed Battle of Dazar’alor until our 300th Jaina pull. Now BFA’s savior has arrived. This is a very big patch with a new raid, new dungeon, new pet battles and new content system in Essences. Yes, pet battles! Below we’ll cover everything you need for day one of the patch including which Essences you’re looking for and how to grab them. Unfortunately most of the new items weren’t available for PTR testing so you’ll need to check back in a few days in case anything is in need of revision.

8.2 Quest Quickstart Guide

  • Get breadcrumb quest The Wolfs Offensive (Alliance) or The Warchiefs Order (Horde). You should see them on the side of your screen the minute you log in – no matter where in the world you are. I was in Desolace so this is well tested.
  • Complete the first seven or eight Nazjatar quests until you pick up Essential Empowerment from Magni. You don’t have to go looking for it. He’ll pop up in your camp.
  • Complete the 6-7 quest Heart of Azeroth quest chain until you unlock the Heart Forge. Total playtime to get through to here is ~30 minutes and you’ll want to do it before you raid. You can go quicker if you’re low on time and blasting.
  • Complete another 20 to 30 minutes of Nazjatar quests. You’ll find a gnome in your camp that’ll start you on the Mechagon quest chain when you’re up to it.
  • Complete the Mechagon opening quests and get started on your world quests so that you can unlock some good Essences on week one. Particularly important if you’re pushing progression pre-season 3.


We won’t cover all of the Essences here, just the couple you’re most likely to use in the first few weeks of the patch. For a full break down of all 11 Essences take a read through the in depth breakdowns here. You’re not going to get your first minor until level 55 so focus mostly on your first slot to begin with.

The quick version: do your world quests every day in both of the new zones. Take your bodyguard with you to level it up.

  • Memory of Lucid Dreams

    How to get it? Reach rank 3 on any bodyguard. Bodyguards get experience by doing special daily quests or world quests. There is a cap of +1 level per day. Don’t swap between bodyguards until you have rank 3.

    This is your best choice if you’re planning on progressing through BoD / CoS in the next two weeks. It’s a little weaker on farm. Remember to use it on cooldown.

  • Ever Rising Tide

    How to get it? Reach honored with your Nazjatar faction (Ankoan for Alliance, Unshackled for Horde). You start at neutral and can get rep from completing world quests and the central storyline.

    It’s tough to justify using rank one in any situation. Start progress on it so that you can get to rank 3 by the time you start your Eternal Palace progression. Likely to be subbed out for Conflict & Strife (Way of the crane) frequently but you’ll want it in your toolkit.

  • Well of Existence

    How to get it? Reach honored with the Rustbolt Resistance which is the Mechagon faction. Clear the world quests daily and grab whatever quests you can.

    You aren’t likely to use this until you get your first minor-only slot but you should start the grind early.

Way of the Crane

You’ve heard the rumors. Fistweaving returns. Way of the Crane gives us a way to convert damage to healing for 15 seconds every minute. We’re going to have a full guide to the new healing style before the raid comes out but let’s answer some quick questions:

  • It costs 25,000 mana! Is it worth it? Way of the Crane during heavy damage is actually pretty efficient. You won’t do better outside of Essence Font.
  • Does this change the way we gear? Mastery drops in value quite a bit since it’s the only secondary that doesn’t scale up your DPS spells.
  • How do I get it? You’re unable to pick it up until Season 3 begins. Unfortunately it does require rated PVP to unlock higher ranks. The first comes from grabbing 500 conquest. This is a couple of hours of battlegrounds. The second comes from reaching 1000 rating in rated PVP and then opening a weekly PVP chest. The third rank also comes from your weekly PVP chest but we don’t have details on it yet. It’ll likely take a month or two to get rank 3.
  • Do I run this on every fight? It’s unlikely. You need to be able to stand in melee for 15 seconds during a period of high damage. Only experience will show us where this is possible and where we have to swap it out.
  • Way of the Crane and Ever Rising Tide compete in the same “burst healing” niche. Which is better? They kind of ebb and flow based on your overall throughput and Essence ranks. Way of the Crane rank 1 easily beats ranks 1 and 2 of Ever Rising Tide. It only gets interesting when you pick up rank 3. As a general rule Way of the Crane is stronger unless:
    • You can’t stand in melee for the full 15 seconds OR
    • You are doing ultra high (70k+) HPS OR
    • You are expecting to handle two burst windows within a minute of the fight.
  • How is it in Mythic+? Way of the Crane is excellent for any Fortified weeks. It’s a tougher ask for Tyrannical because even though it’s still very efficient healing you are unable to commit so much of your mana to handling just a 15 second window.

Professions in 8.2

Upgrade your gear

8.2 brings new gems, enchants and potions. It’s up to you and your bank account if you want to buy them early and put them on your existing gear. They are in most cases very minor upgrades unless you lucked your way into five sockets.

New Weapon Enchants: Machinists Brilliance and Oceanic Restoration. Machinists is much stronger.

New Ring Enchants: 60 secondary stats. Very tidy.

New Gems: 60 of your favorite secondary stat. For Mistweaver you’re going to socket Crit or Versatility as safe choices, and with whatever Wowanalyzer tells you if you want to be more precise. There are also new +120 intellect gems that you can have one of.

New Potion: The upgraded Replenishment potion doesn’t look like it’s making it live. We do get stronger intellect potions (Superior Battle Potion of Intellect) and something new in Potion of Wild Mending. It isn’t strong but it lasts a full minute so it isn’t a bad pre-pot choice. You’ll otherwise stick with Potion of Replenishment on most raid fights.

Which professions are bis?

None of the professions are so strong that you should drop everything and level them immediately. That said, some are definitely stronger than others. They’re listed in order of overall usefulness below:

Alchemy: Alchemist Stone is still best in slot outside of some 445+ titanforges. Giving up double duration flasks is also really bad for your wallet.

Leatherworking: You get 440 pants and boots with sockets in 8.2. These will last you well into Mythic.

Engineering: The helm isn’t top tier but an early high Azerite piece isn’t awful and it enables some decent trades in raid.

Jewelcrafting: You get a 440 ring with a socket. This isn’t quite as special as it was in 8.1.5 since all crafted pieces get the same thing.

Mistweaver Monk Best In Slot Gear

8.2 Trinkets

The QE Trinkets page has been updated for 8.2 but we’ll cover some 8.2 specifics below.

Raid Trinkets (Likely to be tuned)

  • Azshara’s Font of Power

    Drops from: Queen Azshara

    At the cost of a four second channel you get a massive 2-3k+ intellect for a long 30 seconds. Overbudget, flexible and always powerful. Azshara loot in general is very very good.

  • Deferred Sentence

    Drops from: The Queens Court

    When you are standing still the trinket builds up power which is released as healing when you move. We couldn’t test this but it appears to be slightly underbudget.

  • Luminous Jellyweed

    Drops from: Blackwater Behemoth

    This is another gimmicky trinket that you’ll pretty much just judge on throughput value alone. It’s nice that it always picks out your most injured ally but it doesn’t give them any immediate boost and if a direct heal hits them they are likely safe regardless of the trinket giving it a small boost. It isn’t terrible, but you can do better in your second trinket slot.

  • Za’qul’s Portal Key

    Drops from: Za’qul, Harbinger of Ny’alotha (say that three times fast)

    A big stat proc with a positional requirement. You get 30 seconds to move to the void tear which opens a portal for 10s that gives you a buff. It isn’t weak, it just isn’t anywhere near as good as Azshara’s Font of Power and on any fight with movement its value plummets pretty quickly. Think of it like a job that you hold down while you wait for something better to come along. It’s hardly a dream, but it’ll pay the bills for a short time.

  • Zoatroid Egg Sac

    Drops from: Orgozoa

    This is a very weird trinket. Your single target heals drop Zoatroids on your target that give them Vers. The Versatility is based on the shield amount remaining but it’s eaten so quickly that it’s impossible to get value. There are a few unanswered questions like whether the Zoatroid is removed when the shield reaches 0 or if they stick around to be later juiced by the mana spend portion. The early analysis is that you probably don’t want this but do check back after we get our hands on one.

World Boss Trinkets

  • Enthrallers Bindstone

    Drops from: Ulmath, the Soulbinder

    Standard stat stick with a big intellect proc. It’ll hold up well for a 415 trinket and the uptime is very good. It only drops at 415 ilvl so you probably won’t use this for long.

  • Shockbiters Fang

    Intellect stat stick with a 90 second Haste on-use. It’s a little hard to take advantage of the haste window and there are better on-use trinkets with stronger Way of the Crane or Ever Rising Tide synergy.

Pocket-Sized Computation Device

One trinket. Three punchcards. You’ll get the base trinket as part of your Mechagon intro quest but it’s a dead equip until you add some Punchcards. Red cards are always a proc (healing, mana or stats), yellow cards always give you two flat secondary stats, and blue cards are just for fun. It’s a very good trinket for 415 item level but until Mechagon Mythic+ in season 4 you’re unlikely to use this heavily once you start gearing up.

Mistweaver Monk Best In Slot Gear 2

Quick-Fire Questions

  • How is the Benthic gear? Poens grips and the gloves that give us a self-heal on crit are both worth ~5-10 item level but the Benthic effects aren’t huge for healers. You’re better off fishing for a leech or socket piece.
  • Will our stat weights change? The value of mastery drops quick heavily if we run Way of the Crane since your damage only scales with Haste, Crit and Vers.
  • What talents will we use in the new raid? We’ll have talent recommendations for each fight when the raid goes live but Refreshing Jade Wind / Jade Serpent Statue is likely to remain the big flex tier. Your level 100 talent with Way of the Crane becomes much more interesting and we’ll hopefully have some good advice to give here in a few days.
  • Is Mistweaver a strong healing spec in 8.2? Mistweaver is solidly middle of the pack. We can’t quite pull off the same shenanigans as a Glimmer Paladin or Disc Priest but we’re versatile, mobile and have a number of interesting Essence synergies. You can expect to stay top three in Mythic+ too.
  • How good are the new raid azerite traits?Loyal to the End is really fantastic but synergizes poorly with Way of the Crane. You’re likely to pick one up anyway. Arcane Heart might start seeing use near the end of the tier but kind of sucks when starting out. Undulating Tides only offers damage and a small absorb.

All 8.2 gear is in QE Live.

  1. I do hope you will update this for 8.3

  2. Will you be adding Conflic and Strife to the essence-section?

  3. What about Ruthlessness Protocol Augment? Obtained from Extraodinary Adventurer Augmentation from Mechagon. Probably you can get a good proc.

  4. very interesting first impressions of the FAQ. Awaiting carefully the news brought by you.

  5. Thanks for primer!

Welcome to the Mistweaver Monk guide written by Dragnio, a healing officer in Method.

I have been a healer main since late Wrath of the Lich King and a healing officer in Reason since early Legion up until Battle of Dazar’Alor when I had to step down from playing the game for a while. Mistweaver is one of the three healing specs I have played consistently in the last years and the spec I mained for the last couple of tiers during Battle for Azeroth.


  • Exceptional single target sustain healing
  • Great mobility and survivability
  • 5% Physical damage debuff
  • Flexibility in talents when it comes to preparing for different scenarios


Mistweaver monk best in slot gear 3
  • Weak scaling throughout the course on the expansion
  • Little to none passive damage outside of certain talent choices compared to some other healing specs
  • Lack of raid-wide damage reduction cooldown

What has changed

New, Reworked and Returning Abilities

Invoke Yu'lon, the Jade Serpent - A new 3-minute cooldown added to the Mistweaver baseline toolkit. A very powerful ability, which has the potential to do a big amount of healing especially because of the Enveloping Breath passive, which is activated every time the Monk casts Enveloping Mist during Yu’lon window.

Mistweaver Monk Best In Slot Gear

Invoke Chi-Ji, the Red Crane - A completely reworked level 45 talent, which replaces Yu’lon if talented. It summons an effigy of Chi-ji which grants immunity for movement impairing effects for its duration, acts as a pet, assists you, and causes your damage spells (Blackout Kick, each Teachings of the Monastery stack, Rising Sun Kick and Spinning Crane Kick; NOTE: does NOT apply to Tiger Palm) to heal 2 allies and give you a buff, which decreases the cast time and mana cost of your Enveloping Mist by 33% per stack, stacking up to 3 where Enveloping Mist becomes instant and costs no mana. Casting Enveloping Mist while Chi-Ji is active will also trigger Enveloping Breath, similar to Yu’lon. This ability is quite powerful and extremely fun to use.

Expel Harm - has been added to the baseline toolkit. Currently, this spell is generally undesirable to use due to quite high mana cost, low healing done and being on GCD.

Touch of Death - has been added to the baseline toolkit. A very nice ability, which provides some extra DPS in the raid or dungeon setting when the boss or a priority target is below 15% HP, and also increases our physical damage done by 15% for 10 seconds after the ability has been cast.

Ability changes:

Summon Jade Serpent Statue - Channel’s healing was buffed, but the duration was reduced from 30 seconds by default to 8 seconds by default. A bit of a weird change, which makes JSS less compelling than before due to the drastically increased amount of GCDs required to maintain the channel.

Fortifying Brew - Received a slight nerf (Extra 20% HP and 20% DR to extra 15% HP and 15% DR), as well as the cooldown was increased to 3 minutes, up from 2 minutes. Doesn’t affect Monk’s survivability much and still remains a decent defensive cooldown.

Best In Slot Gear For Mistweaver Monk

Mana Tea - Duration reduced from 12 seconds to 10, however it is off GCD now. A very welcome and good Quality-of-Life change.


Leg Sweep - Range increased from 5 yards to 6.

Mistweaver Monk Best In Slot Gear

On top of that, some spells had their mana costs and/or healing adjusted, including Vivify, Enveloping Mist, Renewing Mist and Soothing Mist, which doesn’t change much.