Poker Define Float

The 'float play' is an advanced bluffing technique in Texas Holdem that is extended over two betting rounds.

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  2. Poker Define Four Of A Kind
  3. Poker Define Floating
  • One such tool is the Poker Float Strategy, a tactic that exploits players who make continuation bets post-flop. A nutshell definition of this type of play is that it’s a bluffing play in which you attempt to win a pot on the turn with a bet after calling a bet on the flop.
  • Floating is a must-have weapon for every aspiring poker crusher. It’s an advanced play, however, which entails calling with a weak hand on the flop in order to win the pot on a later street by either showing down or bluffing an opponent.
  • (poker) To perform a float. A buoyant device used to support something in water or another liquid. A mass of timber or boards fastened together, and conveyed down a stream by the current; a raft.

Call T/R Float Bet (Call Turn/River Float Bet) Description: The percentage of times the player called an opponent's Float Bet on the Turn or River. This counts all float bets, not just those when this player is the previous aggressor. Formula: ( total times called float bet / total times faced float bet ). 100: Call T Raise see Call F/T/R.

The principle role of the play is to make your opponent believe you have a stronger hand than theirs via the flop and turn betting rounds, and thus closing down the action and winning the pot on the turn.

What is the float play?


The float play essentially involves calling an opponent’s bet on the flop (floating the flop), and then betting after being checked to on the turn to win the hand before seeing the river card. It is possible to make a successful maneuver like this with any two cards, which typically makes it a good bluffing play.

Why is the float play effective?

The play works well because it is typical for an advanced player to make a continuation bet on the flop, regardless of whether or not they caught a piece of it. Therefore it is not uncommon that our opponents will be making a bet on the flop with air, hoping that you did not catch a piece of it either and that their continued aggression will give them the pot.

The fact that you then call this bet will set alarm bells ringing in their heads, as they may fear that you could well be slowplaying a very strong hand. The majority of players will then shut down on the turn and check, which leaves us open to capitalize on their weakness by making a strong bet to win the pot.

The float play turns out to be a great defense against the continuation bet. However, it should not solely be used to try and pick off bets that you suspect are continuation bets.

How to make a successful float play.

There are two criteria however that have to be met before being able to pull off a good float play.

  1. You should be acting after your opponent.
  2. You should be heads-up with your opponent.

It is actually possible to make a float play out of position, but this is far more difficult and it is not often recommended that you try to do so as it can become costly. In position you have the opportunity to spot any weakness on the turn from your opponent after calling their flop bet. If your opponent bets strongly again on the turn, you are able to comfortably fold knowing that they more than likely have the best hand. If they check however, you are in the perfect position to take down the pot.

A second and equally important rule for a good float play is that you should be heads-up against your opponent. If there is more than one player in the pot, it makes it more difficult to pull off such a complex bluff, as it is more likely that at least one of the players has a decent hand.

The float play works best heads-up and in position. In fact, I would rarely (if ever) attempt a float play against more than one player.

The float play relies on us trying to pick off a continuation bet from our opponents, and the addition of another player into the equation adds too many variables to make it successful, and often our attempted display of strength will go unnoticed. Therefore it is best to keep things simple, and stick to being in position against one opponent when attempting a float play.

Float play example.

Lets say we are on the button holding A Q, and a player from middle position makes an $8 bet in a $1/$2 NL Holdem game. The action folds to us and we make the call, both players in the blinds fold. The flop comes 8 J 5, which does not improve our hand. Our opponent now bets $16 into the $19 pot.

Typically we would fold this hand as we have not connected with the flop at all, but instead we decide to make the call as we know our opponent regularly makes continuation bets with air. The turn comes the 3, but this time our opponent checks to us displaying some weakness.

We now bet $40 into the $51 pot, and our opponent folds, suspecting that we have a stronger hand than them.

Float play example hand history.

$1/$2 No Limit Hold'em cash game - 6 Players

SB: $200
BB: $200
UTG: $200
MP: $200
CO: $200
Hero (BTN): $200

Pre Flop: ($3) Hero is BTN with A Q
1 fold, MP raises to $8, 1 fold, Hero calls $8, 2 folds

Flop: ($19) 8 J 5 (2 players)
MP bets $16, Hero calls $16

Turn: ($51) 3 (2 players)
MP checks, Hero bets $40, MP folds

Float play example overview.

In this particular hand, our opponent may well have been making a standard continuation bet with a hand like AK, AQ, KQ, or a middle size pocket pair like 99 or 77. Our opponent was concerned about our call on the flop as it meant that we could be holding a wide range of hands that beat theirs such as AJ, KJ, JJ, 88 and so on.

Therefore our strong ¾ pot size bet on the turn means that it is too expensive for our opponent to play on, and so they give up the pot. It is important that we make a strong ¾ pot size bet, as it confirms to our opponents that we may well have a strong hand and that we are not giving them the correct pot odds to call to try and improve.

A strong bet on the turn is key in making our opponent think twice about playing on with their hand.

The float play can still work even if your opponent bets on the turn after you have called their bet on the flop. Some particularly aggressive players will fire a second barrel on the turn in an attempt to take down the pot with air once more.

Therefore by re-raising what you feel is a second barrel or a particularly weak bet, you can still pull off a successful float play. However, the re-raise on the turn as a float play is a very dangerous and advanced move, which requires a very good understanding of your opponents. Consequently, you should be more inclined towards folding if you do not know your opponents well and they are making another bet on the turn.

Tips on making an effective float play.

  • Have a good read on your opponent.
  • Only use the float play when necessary.

It is central to note however that we should have a good read on our opponents to make a float play like this, as it is important to be sure that our opponent is the type of player that makes continuation bets, but will shut down and fold when they come up against any resistance. This means that float plays will work well against your typical tight-aggressive player, rather than calling stations that will call down bets regardless of what they think you might be representing. (See the article on putting players on a hand for hand reading.)

Poker Define Float

It is also important to remember that float plays should not be used liberally as a regular defense against the continuation bet. It is true that this play will snap off a few continuation bets from time to time, but you will find yourself in sticky situations and getting check-raised on the turn with real hands if you overuse this particular play.

The float play is not usually something that you intend to use when you enter a pot before the flop, it is a more of a play that you can consider when faced with certain situations as they arise.

Float play spots make themselves apparent as you play; you should not go actively looking for them.

Float play evaluation.

Floating is an advanced play that usually takes place at the $100NL Holdem games and higher, although it does not mean it does not take place at some of the lower limits. The fact that the bluff extends over two betting rounds and involves a good knowledge of your opponents style of play means that it is quite a sophisticated move, but it is a very satisfying play to use when it works well.

If you can learn to master the float play and understand situations where it can be successful, you will find that you will have a very powerful tool in your poker arsenal. However, as it has been mentioned in some top NL Holdem books, don't become too cocky after pulling off a successful float. Its just another standard play in an everyday game of poker that we can call upon from time to time.

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Float Play in Texas Holdem

The definition of float play is calling a raise with nothing, in the hopes of catching a hand or bluffing our opponent on a later street to take down the pot. I think it’s fair to say that in the modern world of poker float play is becoming steadily important. With the number of LAGs in cash games these days, it becomes necessary to start hitting back and defending yourself from such aggression.

Types of Opponents to Float Play Against

Float play is optimal against loose-agressive players who have a high cbet%. These guys need their ears clipped and you have to stop them stealing chips all of the time. Bear in mind that most of the time your opponent will have missed the flop, he’ll catch something less than 40% of the time. The higher up the stakes you go, the more common cbetting becomes. LAGs are the most profitable to float against because they’re usually leading out with nothing and are easy to force off hands in later streets.

For example, a typical LAG with a VPIP% of 25% will call from LP with 5h-6d and cbet most random boards 7h-Kd-Js. Even if you having nothing (3h-8d), you can call his bet and bluff him off the next street where the pot becomes more valuable. The difference between re-raising here and floating, is that in the “float” you’re actually hoping to catch something rather than just make your opponent fold straight away. A float involves telling a story, and building an image throughout the hand, that says “I have something here.”

Another tip is that floating works best in heads up pots. Just like the continuation bet, you’re basically playing on the fact that your opponent has nothing and is bluffing a lot. With multiple opponents in the pot however, you can’t profitably float because the chances of someone beating you or having something better is higher.

When the Board is Checked to You

So you called his 25% cbet, hit mid-pair on the turn with a flush draw, and he checked to you on the turn. What do you do? Most people in this situation will wrongly check the board and hope to catch their flush, securing the pot. I can think of a number of problems with this play. Firstly, by checking the turn your opponent is clearly betting with garbage and doesn’t have a hand to call with. Even though you only have mid-pair your equity in the pot is much bigger than his at the moment. You should bet this pot now and force him to fold rather than take a chance at letting him catch up with a free card. For all we know, he could have mid-pair too with a better kicker – and have us beat. By taking the initiative in the hand though we put ourselves ahead.

The second problem with checking here is that we’re not going to get any value from the river. By this stage our opponent’s only going to call us with a hand that beats us at showdown, and he’s folding any hands we beat. Hence, there isn’t an opportunity to bet for value on the river given our previous float.

Floating in Position

One of the fundamental features of floating is that it can only be done from position. You need relative position on your opponent to be able to take advantage of him on later streets. If you float an agro’s cbet, you need to see what he will do on the next street and put pressure on him. Once he checks and shows weakness, then you can pounce on him and steal the pot. By floating a raise out of position, you’ll have to act first on the turn or river, which involves raising the pot blind or having to fold to a big raise after checking.

Limits of Float Play

Ofcourse float play has limits because whether you are semi-floating or whatever, it is intended to defend yourself against super aggressive players betting with air – not win you posts on your own. Furthermore, you need to be careful who you’re floating. Aggressive players who adapt quickly in heads up play will realise that you’re calling all their cbets light, so they’ll begin check-raising you with premium hands either on the turn or river.

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